Collagen – the new buzz word for young skin!

The best marine collagen supplement

If you look at the list of recommended supplements for antiaging, collagen sits right at the top of the list. A young and ordered collagen network means fresher and healthier skin, like what babies and children have. As we get into our early twenties, the collagen network starts breaking down, slowly first, and then more rapidly as we get past our 30s. What starts off as fine lines, and wrinkles, slowly worsens into sagging, deeper lines and furrows.

How can we prevent our collagen from getting lost over the years?

There are two ways to reduce the effect of skin ageing from collagen loss.

The first step happens to be the one single universal rule for young and healthy skin – protection from the sun! The best way to go about this, is a regular practice of physical sun protection, topical sunscreens and internal photo protecting agents.

The second part is to replace the broken-down collagen – with oral collagen supplementation. Here’s how!

Let’s start by knowing how much collagen you should consume every day.

Studies have shown an increase in skin hydration with reduced wrinkles and fine lines, and improved skin tone with regular use of collagen. And the recommended dose of collagen to obtain these results, is between 5-10grams of collagen per day, which is about 1 to 2 scoops of CHOSEN®’s TOR™ Classic Marine Collagen. The maintenance dose is between 2.5 to 5 grams per day.

What is source of collagen in TOR™?

TOR™ Classic Marine Collagen is obtained from fish sources, which makes it more acceptable to people, since most other sources of collagen happen to bovine, obtained from cattle or porcine, from pigs. The collagen here is Type I collagen, which is the main skin collagen, and is obtained from fish scales.

What is the difference between collagen hydrolysate and collagen peptides?

Nothing, both terms mean the same! TOR™ Classic Marine collagen is a collagen hydrolysate, otherwise known as collagen peptides. The collagen peptides here, are formed from larger proteins, using a process called hydrolysis. This results in smaller peptides, which are easily absorbed by the body, and show visible changes in the targeted areas. So yes, not all collagen powders are made equal! You should look for hydrolysate / peptides as your collagen sources. This is the form of collagen that gets absorbed the best!

Why is it important to manage collagen content in your skin?

Because, collagen loss is a vicious cycle. And collagen supplementation is a positive cycle. Collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid all work together to manage the skin’s ageing. An intact skin collagen protein network maintains the suppleness and elasticity of the skin. Young collagen reinforces the elastin and hyaluronic acid network. Hyaluronic acid waters the collagen to keep it young and hydrated. Together, all these components reinforce each other, and keep the skin hydrated and bouncy.  Collagen supplementation is also known to fight against chronic stress and inflammation induced ageing, also called inflammaging!

Is there a vegan collagen?

Unfortunately, vegan collagen is still to become an everyday reality. Most so called vegan collagens available in the market are high performance antioxidants with collagen boosting and collagen protecting properties and not true collagen peptides. This is because collagen is an animal origin protein. Though plant sources have protein, they do not contain the peptides that make up collagen. So yes, as of now, there is no vegan source of collagen.

The closest alternative is plant derived vegan collagen builder like WAH-TOR Collagen Builder containing a powerful trio of antioxidants - Pycnogenol, Astaxanthin and Phycocyanin. These antioxidants not only prevent collagen breakdown but also stimulate new collagen synthesis. Also, high performance antioxidants like White Pine® Pycnogenol®, which is vegan, work independently to reduce the breakdown of existing collagen, and reverse the ageing cycle.

How long can I take collagen? Are there any restrictions?

Collagen can be consumed as long as you want to. Ideally, a mix of natural collagen from your diet, and periodic supplementation can work great to provide good, consistent antiaging benefits for the skin. Collagen supplementation is also beneficial for hair loss, with studies showing a positive impact of marine collagen on pattern alopecia.

Note: For those with existing renal conditions, and those who have a limit on protein supplements, it is best that you adjust your total intake calculation, in consultation with your nutritionist/ doctor. Collagen is counted as a protein component.