A simple skin care routine for Combination to Normal Skin Type!

A simple skin care routine for Combination to Normal Skin Type!

If you have combination to normal skin type, then here’s a skin care routine from CHOSEN® that you might enjoy!

For this routine, you need these products from CHOSEN®:

SAFESCREEN® Mom & Baby or Pycnogenol or Silymarin or SEASUN or NEXGEN, Light Routine® Easy or Milk Route® Daily, Light Routine® Gentle WaterlessCetaphil Bar or Cleanance Gel or Facelin Face Wash, and the last one on the list would be White Pine® Mousse or Re(d)covery® Serum or Re(d)covery® Plus Serum.

Product 1:


The heavy duty SAFESCREEN Mom & Baby, the elegant SAFESCREEN Pycnogenol, the quietly functional SAFESCREEN Silymarin and hydrating SAFESCREEN SEASUN & NEXGEN are all amazing sunscreens for those with combination to normal skin. To choose one from among the three, you need to look at the finish you want and your complexion. If you have a lot of outdoor action you can look at Mom & Baby or SEASUN or SILYMARIN. If you have a lot of work online, you may want to go with PYCNOGENOL or NEXGEN. For a softer evening, foundation like look, either the PYCNOGENOL or SILYMARIN SAFESCREENS are ideal. The best sunscreen for pregnant and nursing mothers is Mom & Baby.

We have all of this information in a simple matrix for you, right here! All the sunscreens are ecofriendly with a natural origin content of up to 98%.

Product 2:


Deeper cleansing facewashes are still recommended while taking make up off, or sunscreen off. You can use a biphasic make up remover to remove the make up and sunscreen residue, and follow through with Cetaphil Bar or Cleanance Gel, which can be used along with Light Routine® Easy or Milk Route® Daily for cleansing out all the dirt of the day!

Product 3:


Light Routine® Easy or Milk Route® Daily are both great options as daily exfoliators – you can choose the Light Routine® Easy if your climate is hot and humid or if you tend more towards the oilier end of the combination skin spectrum. If you feel mostly dry, or if your climate is less humid and you prefer a dewy, spongy feel to the skin, then the Milk Route® Daily may be the best exfoliator for you.

Product 4:

Re(d)covery/Re(d)covery® Plus Serum :

An ideal product to keep the skin bright and happy, Re(d)covery® Plus or Re(d)covery® tranexamic acid serum calms down the skin, and fights against pigmentation enzymes, giving you a clear, finished look, that you would love waking up to!

Product 5:

Mousse Plus:

A perfect finish to your day, White Pine® Mousse is all about restoring the skin to its natural balance, refilling lost moisture, and delivering high power antioxidants to clean up the day. Powered by Pycnogenol®, which is 20 times more powerful than vitamin C, White Pine® Mousse does not get oxidized on the skin, and is a great after sun skincare.

Product 6:

Weekly Exfoliation with Light Routine® Gentle for that dazzle and glow. You can use both Re(d)covery® and White Pine® Red Oil on the same day as your Light Routine®.

Now, let’s create the routines.

Skincare Routine for those with combination skin type tending towards oily skin. That is if your skin type is more on the oily side of combination, here’s what you should do.

Mornings: Cleanse the skin with Cetaphil Foaming Cleanser face wash. Follow through with SAFESCREEN® of your choice.  Reapply after 6 to 8 hours if needed. 

Evenings: Use a make up removal step if you have used any make up over your sunscreen. Otherwise, proceed to wash your face with Cetaphil Foaming Cleanser and exfoliate with Light Routine® Easy. Apply White Pine® Red Oil on the face and neck and let dry. You can massage the product very gently into the skin, but avoiding rubbing the skin.

Bedtime: Let us work on deeper renewal, and rejuvenation with the most popular skin care serum, Re(d)covery®. Apply this overnight, for improved skin clarity and skin brightness.